Our main area of expertise is "screw machines", which here means positive displacement machines with cylindrical, helically grooved rotors. Among these machines we find the common screw compressor and the screw expander, as well as low-pressure machines and pumps of different kinds. We are also working with related machines, like straight-lobe blowers and gears of special kinds.

Over 30 years of advanced work at the cutting edge of screw machine technology - including conception, design, testing and basic research, as well as development to a marketable product - has given us considerable experience in the following fields:

  • Design of "state-of-the-art" rotor profiles for any type of screw machine
  • Development of all data necessary for the manufacture and quality control of screw rotors
  • Recommendations regarding rotor geometry and porting
  • Conceptual layouts
  • Detailed layouts, suitable as a base for the development of all detail drawings necessary for manufacture
  • General assistance regarding design, testing and evaluation of compressors and expanders
  • Feasibility studies
  • Troubleshooting
  • Sale of Computer Programs for Screw Rotor Design, Manufacture and Quality Control


letter2.gif (1291 bytes)Screw machines:

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Copyright © 1998 Edstroem Enterprises, L.C.
Last modified: December 10, 2004